Early Childhood in Canada
Early Childhood in Canada


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Best Evidence for Investing in Early Childhood Education for Canada

As Canadian policy makers and political leaders continue to debate the value of investing in preschool children, they should note the consensus among Canadian scholars based on both Canadian and international research. We can improve children’s lives and the economic and social wellbeing of our society by investing in early childhood education. Scholars from economics, psychology, education, health, medicine, and the neurosciences, agree that high-quality early childhood education results in improvements in scholastic, social, and health outcomes for children and their families, as well as in economic benefits for Canadian society.

We come together as researchers and scholars to ask policy makers and political leaders to move forward in investing in young children using the comprehensive body of scientific research available. We offer a succinct overview to urge policy makers to make investing in high-quality early childhood education a priority in Canada. We present six findings from the scientific literature that show why investment in early childhood is important.

High-quality preschool shows positive outcomes on child language, literacy and math skills

Systematic assessments across Canada indicate that as many as 25% of kindergarten children show signs of vulnerability in their physical, language, and behavioural development at the time of school entry.

A strong body of research indicates that high-quality early childhood education enhances a child’s early language, literacy, and math skills when assessed following program completion. These findings have been repeatedly replicated and shown for small targeted programs, as well as large programs within the public system. Over 40 years of studies have demonstrated at least a one-third of a year of advancement in children that attend a high-quality early childhood education program. Recent findings also indicate that socioeconomically disadvantaged children are more likely to benefit from these programs, thus reducing socioeconomic related disparities in school achievement. Giving children a proper start increases their language, literacy and mathematics competency.

High-quality preschool shows positive outcomes on child socio-emotional development

High-quality preschool shows positive outcomesSocio-emotional difficulties in early childhood are precursors of school dropout, adult mental health problems, and difficulties in the job market. With as many as 25% of Canadian kindergarten children having socio-emotional difficulties, addressing these problems within preschool and early elementary school settings is imperative. These problems can be solved and children can get onto better developmental trajectories. Effects of preschool programs that target all children have been somewhat modest, but effects for children who are already showing difficulties and working directly with those children and their parents show important long-term benefits. These benefits include reduced substance abuse, school dropout, juvenile delinquency, and adult criminality, as well as higher levels of employment and income in the job market.

Greater benefits are seen with higher quality of programs

In Canada, we must increase our investment in early childhood education without taking shortcuts on quality. Preschool programs that are high quality have been repeatedly shown to have larger positive impacts on the development of a child. Higher-quality programming also results in improvements that are more likely to be maintained. The most effective elements in highquality programs have been shown to be positive and stimulating interactions. Providing ongoing support and professional development helps ensure that such positive environments are being delivered. When instructional support is high, children benefit more. Providing ongoing professional development, improving educational requirements, and teacher qualifications are thus important cornerstones of high-quality preschool programs.

High quality preschool shows long-lasting benefits and is beneficial for Canada’s diverse population

Benefits of investing in ECEAlthough the benefits of preschool on test scores characteristically weaken over time, cumulating evidence suggests that persistence of the impact of preschool into adulthood is seen in a wide range of important outcomes. Enduring benefits, and particularly for those in disadvantaged families, include decreases in school dropout rates, criminal behavior, and drug use, as well as increased adult earnings.

In an ethnically and economically diverse population such as Canada’s, public preschool must be beneficial to all members of our population. Positive benefits of high-quality preschool are seen in children from both low- and middle- socioeconomic classes, with stronger effects for children in low socio-economic circumstances, dual-language children, and children from immigrant families. Investing in early childhood education programs shows long-lasting societal benefits.

The benefits of investing in early childhood education far outweigh the costs

Do the benefits of investing in high quality preschool balance the significant cost? Benefits are evaluated by 1) decreases in expenditures on programs such as social assistance, special education, and transfers to families; and 2) a rise in economic production from increased adult earnings and tax transfers. Research has reliably demonstrated that the benefits of preschool outweigh the costs, indicating a prudent economic investment. Indeed high-quality preschool programs are amongst the most cost-effective of the social programs.

Additional child and family benefits are seen when programs include parent engagement

Optimal development of children is dependent on the quality of the home and school environments. Preschool programs with the best long-term effects on reading, math, and social behaviour also include a parenting component. These focus on optimizing parent-child interaction. Therefore, incorporating parent support components to enhance learning outside of the early childhood education program can augment the impact of preschool programs on child early scholastic achievement.

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Founding Signatories

Emis Akbari
Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Michel Boivin
École de psychologie
Université Laval
Québec, Québec

Jennifer Jenkins
Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Daniel Ansari
Brain and Mind Institute
Department of Psychology
Western University
London, Ontario

Meghan Azad
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Rima Azar
Department of Psychology
Mount Allison University
Sackville, New Brunswick

Jessica Ball
School of Child and Youth Care
University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia

Ronald Barr
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Marco Battaglia, MD
Département de psychiatrie et de neurosciences
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec

Joanne Baxter
Department of Child and Youth Studies
Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta

Signe Bray
Departments of Radiology
University of Calgary
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute for Child and
Maternal Health (ACHRI)
Calgary, Alberta

Monique Brodeur
Faculté des sciences de l’éducation
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Marni D. Brownell
Department of Community Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Jean-François Bureau
École de psychologie
Université d’Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

John Cairney
Department of Family Medicine
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Barbara Cameron
Department of Equity Studies
Department of Political Science
York University
Toronto, Ontario

France Capuano
Département d’éducation et formation spécialisées
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Mariette Chartier
Department of Community Health Sciences
College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Pat Cleave
School of Human Communication Disorders
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Gordon Cleveland
Department of Management
University of Toronto Scarborough
Scarborough, Ontario

Adele Diamond
Department of Psychiatry
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Ginette Dionne
École de psychologie
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec

Lise Dubois
Institute of Population Health
Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Marc-André Dugas
Directeur, Département de pédiatrie
Chef du département de pédiatrie
Université Laval
Québec, Québec

Jim Dunn
Department of Health, Aging, and Society
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Joan Durrant
Department of Family Social Services, Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Frank J. Elgar
Institute for Health and Social Policy
Department of Psychiatry
McGill University
Montréal, Québec

Rachel Eni
Department of Family Social Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Steven Feldgaier
College of Medicine
Department of Clinical Health Psychology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Alison Fleming
Department of Psychology
Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development
University of Toronto Mississauga
Mississauga, Ontario

Ana Hanlon-Dearman
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Jane Hewes
Faculty of Health and Community Studies, Early Learning and Child Care
Grant MacEwan University
Edmonton, Alberta

Wendy L.G. Hoglund
Department of Psychology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Nina Howe
Department of Education
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec

Sophie Jacques
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Janet Jamieson
Department of Early Childhood Education
Red River College
School of Health Services and Community Services
Red River College
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Zeenat Janmohamed
Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development
University of Toronto
George Brown College, School of Early Childhood
Toronto, Ontario

Magdalena Janus
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Christa Japel
Département d'éducation et formation spécialisées
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Charlotte Johnston
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Ontario

Leanne Leclair
Department of Occupational Therapy
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Catherine M. Lee
Professeur, École de psychologie
Université d'Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Kang Lee
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Donna S. Lero
Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario

Nicole Letourneau
Faculties of Nursing and Medicine (Pediatrics & Psychiatry)
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

Kathryn A. Levine
Faculty of Social Work
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Patrick Lewis
Faculty of Education
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan

Sonia Lupien
Département de psychiatrie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Stephen Lye
Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Harriet MacMillan
Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Offord Centre for Child Studies
McMaster Children's Hospital/Hamilton Health Sciences
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Sheri Madigan
Department of Psychology
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

Greg Moran
Department of Psychology
Western University
London, Ontario

Gina Muckle
École de psychologie
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec

Elizabeth Munroe
Faculty of Education
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Nathan C. Nickel
Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anne-Monique Nuyt
Faculté de médecine
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Isabelle Ouellet-Morin
École de criminologie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Sophie Parent
École de psychoéducation
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Charles Pascal
Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Janette Pelletier
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Deborah Pepler
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, Ontario

Michal Perlman
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Leslie L. Roos
Faculty of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Noralou Roos
Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Patricia Chorney Rubin
School of Early Childhood
George Brown College
Toronto, Ontario

Susan Rvachew
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
McGill University
Montréal, Québec

Rob Santos
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Russell Schachar
Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto
The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario

Kimberly Schonert-Reichl
Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and
Special Education
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Jean Séguin
Département de psychiatrie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Monique Sénéchal
Department of Psychology
Carlton University
Ottawa, Ontario

Lisa Serbin
Department of Psychology
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec

Prakesh Shah
Department of Pediatrics and Institute of Health Policy,
Management, and Evaluation
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Richard E. Tremblay
Département de psychologie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Nico Trocmé
School of Social Work
McGill University
Montréal, Québec

Tracy Vaillancourt
School of Psychology
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Frank Vitaro
École de psychoéducation
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Courtney Ward
Department of Economics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia


Miriam Beauchamp
Département de psychologie
Université de Montréal
Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Ste-Justine Laboratoire de
neuropsychologie développementale ABCs
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Annie Bernier
Département de psychologie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Marc Bigras
Département de psychologie
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Nathalie Bigras
Département de didactique
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird
School of Human Communication Disorders
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Catherine Birken
Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto
Paediatric Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario

Jeff Bisanz
Department of Psychology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Cindy Blackstock
Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada
Faculty of Extension
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Linda Booij
Department of Psychology and Psychiatry
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

Jean Clinton
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Patricia Conrod
Département de psychiatrie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Rob Coplan
Department of Psychology
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario

Penny Corkum
Departments of Psychology and Neuroscience; Psychiatry; Pediatrics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Carl Corter
Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study
Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Sylvana Coté
Département de médicine sociale et préventive
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Wendy Craig
Department of Psychology
Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario

Hélène Deacon
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Pediatrics
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Alain M. Desrochers
École de psychologie
Université d’Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Elizabeth Dhuey
Department of Management
University of Toronto Scarborough
Scarborough, Ontario

Pierre Fortin
Département des sciences économiques
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Sid Frankel
Faculty of Social Work
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Marie-Hélène Gagné
École de psychologie
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec

Marie-Claude Geoffroy
Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas Université McGill
Montréal, Québec

Andrea Gonzalez
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Hillel Goelman
Faculty of Education, Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Pierre Gosselin
School of Psychology
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Jean-Philippe Gouin
Department of Psychology
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec

Susan Graham
Department of Psychology
Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute Hotchkiss Brain Institute
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

Martin Guhn
Human Early Learning Partnership, School of Population and Public Health
Faculty of Education, Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Alan Katz
Departments of Community Health Services and Family Medicine
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Paul Kershaw
School of Population and Public Health
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Isabel Killoran
Faculty of Education
York University
Toronto, Ontario

Sara Kirk
School of Health and Human Performance
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Terry Klassen
Manitoba Institute of Child Health
Children's Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Faculty of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Bryan E. Kolb
Department of Neuroscience
Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, Alberta

Michael Kramer
Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health
Department of Pediatrics
McGill University
Montréal, Québec

Éric Lacourse
Département de sociologie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Rachel Langford
School of Early Childhood Studies
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario

John LeBlanc
Departments of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Community Health, Epidemiology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Daphne Maurer
Department of Psychology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

Bernice McLeod
Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development
University of Toronto
George Brown College, School of Early Childhood
Toronto, Ontario

Patrick McGrath
Departments of Psychology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Jonathon McGuire
Departments of Pediatrics and Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
The Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Douglas McMillan
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

James McNinch
Faculty of Education
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan

Philip Merrigan
Département des sciences économiques
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Michael Meaney
Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Neurosurgery
McGill University
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Javier Mignone
Department of Family Social Sciences
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

William J. Montelpare
Department of Applied Human Sciences
University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Jacques Montplaisir
Département de psychiatrie
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Chris Moore
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Tara Perrot
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Ray DeV Peters
Department of Psychology
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

David Philpott
Faculty of Education
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland

Bruno Piedboeuf
Département de pédiatrie, Faculté de médecine
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec

André Plamondon
Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation
Université Laval
Québec, Québec

François Poulin
Département de psychologie
Université du Québec à Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Susan Prentice
Department of Sociology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Larry Prochner
Faculty of Education
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Marie-France Raynault
Département de médicine social et préventive
Université de Montréal
Montréal, Québec

Holly Recchia
Department of Education
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec

Elisa Romano
École de psychologie
Université d'Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario

Ann Sherman
Faculty of Education
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick

Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk
Faculty of Education
The University of Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Isabel Smith
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Psychology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Carolyn Snider
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Marla Sokolowski
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Fraser Mustard Institute for Human Development
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

George Tarabulsy
École de psychologie
Université Laval
Québec, Québec

Bruce Tefft
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Kate Tilleczek
Faculty of Education
University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Évelyne Touchette
Département de psychoéducation
L'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Trois-Rivières, Québec

Suzanne Tough
Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta

Daniel Trefler
Department of Economics
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Ian Weaver
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Janet Werker
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia

Sandra Wiebe
Department of Psychology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

J. Douglas Willms
Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick

Wynne Young
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan



Fran Aarnoutse, Southview Child Care
Patricia Adams, Thorsby FCSS
Graybia Amin, anaaba
Dawn Angus
Shaku Brar, Bow Valley College
Lynette Braun, Family Services of Central Alberta
Ella Brekke
Lisa Brown, Town of Canmore
Twyla Bruce
Tricia Cameron, Family Day Home Provider
Angel Campbell
Michelle Champagne-Berry, Parent and Policy Maker
Lesli Christianson-Kellow, SLA
Launa Clark, Early Childhood Development Support Services
Steacy Collyer, First 2000 Days Network
Janice Comrie, Alberta Teachers' Assoc Early Childhood Ed Council
Saula Coyugan, BVCCC - CALGARY
Michelle Craig, Speech-Language Pathologist
Ang Crandall, Lethbridge School District 51
Ingrid Crowther
Donna Cushman
Martha Doxsey
Nicki Dublenko, Child Development Dayhomes
Robin Elson, ELCC Professional
Tinna Ezekiel
Corine Ferguson, Alberta Resource Centre for Quality Enhancement
Raelene Finlayson, Parkland school Division
Susan Garrow-Oliver, Alberta Child Care Association
Kim Gravel, University Infant Todddler Centre
Jennifer HagEstad, ECSD
Vanessa Herle
Meghan Hetherington, Early Childhood Educator
Judy Hillier, Director of Primary Services
Carl Honoré, Author of In Praise of Slow and Under Pressure
Lisa Hurrle
Holly Hykawy
Teresa Janzen ,
Lisa Johnson, Medicine Hat Community Preschool
Cheryl Kachowski, E.C.E./Parent Mentor, Home Visitation
Kayla Keir, Educator
Reshma Kochar, Demonstration Child Care Centre and Lab School. MacEwan Univ
Chloe Lalonde
Carol Langner, Leduc County - Early Years and Parent Link Coordinator
Christina Leung, Edmonton Public Schools
Joyce Qiaoyi Li, Alberta Resource Centre for Quality Enhancement
Tricia Lirette, MacEwan University
Sandra Logan, Bow Valley College
Angelique Loitz
Joan MacDonald, Director
Melissa Majeau, mother of 3
Melissa Mallais
Kirstin Maxime, Early Childhood Educator
Manna Middleton , ACCA
Suzanne Moberg, Childcare Owner
Robert Moriartey, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry,
Catherine Oczkowski, Canyon School Day Care
Megan Paul-Buksa, S & S
Melissa Pearce, Childcare Services Director
Line Marie Perron, Early Childhood Development Support Services
Corrie Richer, Family & Community Support Services
Kathy Rickett
Rick Rooyakkers,
Colin Searle, Childcare Owner/Operator
Suzanne Searle, Childcare owner/Operator
Katherine Senger
Mildred Shackel, school
Loralie Shupe Latour
Crystal Sinclair, ATA
Shelley Terpstra, Lillandra1@hotmail.com
KRISTY Thomas, Mckernan Child Development Centre
Cody Topp, TOPP KIDS Child Care Centres
Sharon Walker,
Dori Wearmouth
Natalie Wood-Weller, Work in Early education

British Columbia

Friday Bailey, ECEBC
Sharon Berndt, LPN
Selina Birk, Salmo Children's Centre Parent
Mariana Brussoni, University of British Columbia
Adrienne Calder, Early Childhood Educator
Annabella Cant, Capilano University
Maria Cargnrlli, Coalition of child care advocates of bc
Susan Chew, Citizen of Canada
Michelle Chui, Parent, Volunteer, Lawson Foundation Board Member
Lynn Claeys, School District 83
Amy Collum, StrongStart School District 68
Juliete Cunningham, City of Vernon Councillor
Kira Cyr, Camosun College
Helen Davidson, Early Years Community Developer
Samantha Davies
Connie Deane, Early Childhood Workers
Christina Dicks, Early Childhood Educator
Dalyce Dixon, Executive Director Boys& Girls Club of Victoria
Phylis Edgar, SD71
Elizabeth Egyed, Child and Youth Mental health
Sarah Eisman, YMCA CCRR
Nadin Elkhalil
Sarah Endicott, SACCA
joan ezra
Sylvie Fersch, Early Childhood Educator
Barry Forer, Human Early Learning Partnership, UBC
Susan Foster, Early Years Community Developer
Margaret Emily Fraser, SD22
Liisa Galea
paula galllagher, UWC South Delta
Vlasta Grant, ECCE Department, North Island College
Dianne Green, NOYFSS
Sharon Gregson, Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC
Sandra Griffin, retired
Katherine Gulley, M.Ed., CCC, Clinical Counsellor
Audrey Harron, Child care provider
Shelly Hayes
Margaret Heater, Early Childhood Educator for over 37 years
Hollie Henderson, Executive Director -Early Learning Centre
kimi Henderson
Eva Hilborn, CFUW
Jan Hit, Bc Government
Sara Hudgin, Maven Lane
Jennifer Hughes, School District #64
Amanda Humphrey, ECEBC
Michelle Hung, VSB StrongStart
Meghan Hunt, SD71
Zabeen Hussain, VSB StrongStart
Karen Isaac , BC Aboriginal Child Care Society
Mary Ives, Fraser Health
Steven Johns
Soniha Khosla, VSB StrongStart
Vicki Kyvrikosaios, YMCA Child Care Resource
Sharon Larade, parent
Thealzel Lee, LDABC
Gary Lempert
Maria LeRose, Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Lindsay Lichty, Early Childhood Educator
Karin Macaulay
The Rev. Margaret Marquardt, Anglican Eco -Juctice Unit, Diocese of New Westminster
Leann Maveety, ITE
Jessica McDaniel, ECEBC
Lorie McDonald, School District 35
Emily Mlieczko, Early Childhood Educator of BC
Adrienne Montani, First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
Vicki Mulligan, Grandmother
Joanne Murrell, Faculty
Susie Myers, M.A., ECE
Carrie Nahorney, ICS
Preetinder Narang, Surrey School District
Susan Nelson, Women's Transition House
Susan Noakes, Centennail Day Care Society
Shawn Nygren, Early Childhood Educator
Debi OBoyle, Boys & Girls Clubs Services of Greater Victoria
Maria Orcherton, University of the South Pacific
Rita Padilla, StrongStart Distric #44
Cathy Paton, Salmo Child Care Society
Denise Pawliuk, Langara College
Linda Peterat, Canadian Federation of University Women
Donna Phillips, CFUW Vernon
Gail Pighin,
Debra Plouffe, Maven Lane
Barb Presseau, Retired CCRR
Pam Preston, Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre
Jeanne Puritch, Camosun College
Roop Randhawa, Physician, father, & spouse to early childhood educator
Anita Rempel, parent
Lynne Reside, Success by 6 - Children First
Lynne Reside, Early Years Community Development
MaryLynne Rimer, Consultant
Kara Sellers, ECEBC, Kare Bears ELC
Ada Sin
Hana Sladek, CCRR Consultant
Sharyn Stokes, ECEBC/ITE
Ellen Strelaeff, Early Childhood Educator
Ingrid Sulston, PhD, Science Educator
Tyler Summers, The School Age Child Care Association of British Columbia
Eric Swanson, Association for Generational Equity
Sonia Tavares, Early Years Community Development
Heather Todd, North Okanagan Early Years Council
Bea Van Roy
Barbara Van Sickle, CFUW Vernon, B.C.
Tanya Vlchek, ITE-Maven Lane ECLC
Shelly Wadden, ECDC Coordinator
Kathy Wallace, School District 42
Lynne Wanamaker, StrongStart School District 63
Tracy Wharram, Cumberland Preschool
Laura Wilson, Mission Early Childhood Development Committee
Darlene Wolsey, North OKanagan Early Years Screening
Brianne Wong
Ruth Wood, grandparent
Dodi Woods, YMCA of Greater Vancouver
Sandy Yun, VSB StrongStart
Rena Zatorski, Success By 6
Melissa Zazelenchuk, BSW
Marta Zeegers, Early Childhood Educator


Dominique Arbez, Université de Saint-Boniface
barb carlson
Valerie Comack, Early Childhood Educator
Nina Edbom-Kehler, Family Resource Centre
Micheline Fay, Early Childhood Educator
Allison Fogg
Scott Forbes, YACAN
Amber Gaudard, ECE
Jennifer Guilbault, ECE II
Kristin Hart-Jones, ECE II
Christina Kazmierczak, Early Childhood Educator and Parent
Dr M.Kaye Kerr, UWinnipeg
Rachel Kinsley, ECE
Brenda Klump
Cindy Kozak
Christy Kreiner, Early Childhood Educator
Krista Krentz, ECE
Krista Krentz , Louis Riel Institute
Louise LaFlèche, université St-Boniface
Rebecca LaRiviere, Manidoo Gi-Miini Mini Gonaan
Ruth Lysecki, ECE II
Michelle McMahon
Kristi Meilleur, Early Childhood Educator III, parent
Tara Mills, Souris Early Learning Programs
Wendy Murphy, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Wendy Murphy , Instructor
Lindsay Ortlieb, MCCA
Doris Mae Oulton, Canadian Federation of University Women
Carmen Paterson-Payne, ECE III, Adult Educator (CACE),Family Resource Coordinator
Marian Rands, MCCA
Kathy Reid, Retired Director of ELCC program in Manitoba
Sidney Riddell, ECE II
Nicole Roy, Linwood Daycare
Terri Tretjak, Centre Director
Pat Wege, Manitoba Child Care Association

New Brunswick

Kathy Albert
Ginette Boudreau, Directrice, Famille et petite enfance nord-est
Sharon Crabb, CFUW Fredericton
Deantha Edmunds-Ramsay, Teacher
Elizabeth Hanton, Mother
Colette Jackson, ECE Northside Day Care
Carol Loughrey, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation
Dixie Lee Mitchell, NBACL
Mylene Pitre, Student
Pam Whitty, University of New Brunswick

Newfoundland & Labrador

John G Abbott, Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Kirk Anderson, Dean of Education, Memorial University
David Banfield, Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland & Labrador
Heather Bartlett, Daybreak parent Child Centre
Cathy Bennett, MHA, Virginia Waters, Gov of NL
Lynn Best, Parent
Maureen Bethel, Daybreak Parent Child Centre
Gail Brinston, CUPE
Suzette Bruhier-White, Educator
Anne Burke, Associate Professor Literacy Memorial University
Barbara Burnaby, Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council, St. John's
Christa Chaulk, Parent
Thomasina Cleal, Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Susan Cleyle , MLIS
Bonnie Codner, Grandmother
Linda Coles, Faculty of Education, Memorial University
Alex Cornick, Resource Teacher with ECEs
Gail Decker, Grandmother
Antoinette Doyle, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Don Duffie, B.Sc, MBA, Past Board of Director, MUN Childcare Centre
Edie Dunphy, Retired Teacher
Cristina Fabretto, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Beth Fiwka, ECE
Jason Geary, Memorial University
Gemma Giovannini, parent
Lynn Green, President LDANL
Karl Green, Engineer
Melanie Greene
Maureen Harvey, son with learning disability
Trina Hillier, Early Childhood Educator
Trish Hollett, Teacher
Jane Hynes , Parent
Danielle Irvine, Artist
Albert Johnson, Educator
Eleanor Jones, Retired Teacher
Karen Kennedy, Memorial University
Janet Kergoat, Daybreak Parent and Child Centre
Dale Kirby, Member of the House of Assembly
Elaine Kufudi, Educator/Psychologist
Robyn LeGrow, The Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Chris LeGrow, Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Goldie Lewis, Daybreak Parent Child Centre
Sandra Luscombe, Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Beth Maddigan, Faculty of Education, Memorial University
Beth Marshall
Christine McLean, PhD student OISE
Dallas Mercer
Heather Modlin, Key Assets Newfoundland and Labrador
Jillian Morris , Concerned parent
Cindy Murray
Doreen Neville, Memorial University
Dr. Sharon Penney, Faculty of Education Memorial University
David Penney, Education Instructor
Sheldon Pollett, Choices for Youth
Robert Power, Retired Teacher
Kathy Pratt LeGrow, Jimmy Pratt Foundation
Lisa Ricketts, I'm an ECE
Marie Ryan, Supporter
Brenda Sheppard, Burin Peninsula Brighter Futures Inc.
Michelle Sullivan, Private Practice
Sharon Taylor, School of Social Work
Jessica Taylor, Memorial University
Martha Traverso-Yepez, Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, MUN
Allison Tucker
Ryan Young, Child Care Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador
Gabrielle Young, Memorial University

Nova Scotia

Northwest Territories

Aggie Brockman, Alternatives North
Bob Bromley, NWT Legislative Assembly


Melissa Ablum, Ryerson University
Afsheen Adam
Anisha Aery
tamanna afroz
Arash Akbari, Father
Nasim Akbari
Sophia Akbari, Bedford Park P.S.
Christine Alden, Lawson Foundation
Nerisa Ali, ECE
Rebecca Allgeier, RECE TCDSB
Alisha Alzner, Rece
Cheryl Ambrose, CFUW
Narmeen Ammari, York University
Jennifer Anderson, Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Kaila Annesley
Simone Arancibia
Jade Armstrong, RECE
Hani Ask
Baldip Atwal, Sheridan College, George Brown College, Ryerson University
Christina Auger, ECE
Teimana Ene Avanitele
Christine Avery-Nunez,
Genevieve Babeu, CPE
Amir Ali Baig, RECE
Donna Bailey, CFUW Etobicoke, retired educator
Katharine Bailey, Queen's University
Nancy Bailey
Susan Baiocco , Rece
Gail Baker, Educator/Facilitator Intergenerational Learning
Gayle Ballarf,
Florent Balsez
Lindsea Barbosa, RECE
Nicole Bardikoff, Queen's University
Cec Barks, District of Parry Sound
Lunel Barrera, George Brown College
Kaysy Bashiri, President and CEO Trusterra Mortgage Inc.
Gérard Beauville
Alyson Beben, Peel Public Health
Heather Beckley, HWDSB
Marie-Claude Bélair, CPE chez Fanfan
Cassie Bell, Educational Consultant
Rolly Benigno
Loris Bennett
Jane Bertrand, Early Childhood Educator
Pamela Bertrand
Kimberly Bezaire, GBC
Khadija Bhura, University of Toronto Psychology Major
Caroline Bigcanoe, Howard Park Children's Centre
Noam Binnoon-Erez, University of Toronto
Judith Bishop
lai biu
Kevin Black, University of Toronto
Margaret Blanchet, m
Jan Blaxall, Dominion Learning Institute of Canada
Carol Blinov, Small talk Family Speech and Language Services
Amy Blythe, Parent
Karen Boese, Queen's University
simone bollaerts, CFUW Mississauga
Laura Williams Bologot, Plains Rd childcare
Alison Booz, UWCNY
Roselyn Bovaird, CFUW North Tornto
Marjorie Bowman, uwcny
Holly Boyne, University of Guelph
Janet Bragg, RECE
Leah Brathwaite, George Brown College
Joan Briant, CFUW
Andrea Brockie, na
Jennifer Brown
Dillon Browne, University of Toronto
Rosa Bruno-Jofre, Queen's University
Alicia Bryant-Hanson
Barbara Brydon, CFUW
Keri Buck, RECE
Joyce Buckley, UWaterloo
Marie Natasha Buda, Student in early childhood leadership program
Maigen Bundy, York Region Preschool Speech and Language Program
Susan Buott, Public Health
Nikole Burneman, CECE
Allison Burnett, ABC Ontario
Lucilene Calinsky, TDSB
Andrea Calver
Rachel Caplan, Ryerson University
Hayley Carpenter, Student
Sabine Casson, Brock ECE graduate
Prof. Robert Chabassol, Algonquin College
Claudia Chamberland
teresa chan
Sharon Chan, University of Toronto
aira chapman, AECEO.c
Suzette Charles, Childcare
Kelly Chauvin, Ece
Gail Chislett, Public Health
William Chislett, Chisletts Ontario
Gail Chislett, Public Health
Karen Chomniak, Public Health
Joanne Chong-Kettle, OEYC
Rebecca Chopp, Vincent Massey Child Care
Patricia Chorney, George Brown College
Sandra Christie, Conestoga College
Theodore Christou, Queen's University
Glenda Christou, Queen's University
Jess Clausen, University of Toronto
Jennifer Clydesdale , PCCHU
Vanessa Coelho
Brittany Colarossi, Publuc Health Nurse
Tyler Colasante, University of Toronto
Kathy Connelly Nadeau, RECE
Lorna Connolly, College Professor
Sherrika Cooper, OCT
Michael Corniffe
Gabriela Cotrupi
Linda Cottes, YMCA of Greater Toronto
Kim Couch
Laura Coulman, University of Toronto
Crystal Crown, Teacher
Maureen Cullen
Lori Culleton, Early Childhood Education
Nish Damji, RECE
Leslie Darling, Cfuw
Christina Da Silva
Adam Davidson-Harden, Queen's University
Rose Day, RECE Thames Valley District School Board
Marlene Deboisbriand, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada
Elspeth Deir, Queens University Faculty of Education
Lori Delorme, Toronto District School Board
Jennifer Denomme, CFUW Etobicoke
Kimberley De Pina, 1997
Laura de Vries, George Brown College
Amy Dickerson, Nipissing University
Noëlline Dionne, CPE Les Copains d'abord de Montréal
Lois Doehler, CFUW
Donna Donnelly, Agincourt Temple Child Care
Nicole Dube, University Settlement
Sonja Dugonjic, OEYC
Anne-Marie Duval, RECE
Sebastian Dys, University of Toronto
Carley Earle, CFUW, Retired Teacher
Agnes Easton, Teacher / ECE
Kate Eggleston, GBC
Julia Elliott, Parent
Melissa Endler
Rachana Eng, RECE
Marlene Erskine, CFUW Etobicoke
Iris Fairley-Beam, University of Toronto Psychology Student
Fouzia Famjad, OEYC
MaryAnn Farebrother, Mount Royal University
Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims
Ruth Fawcett, Retired teacher
Gail Feldman, CFUW Mississauga
Andrea Feller, Pediatrics and Public Health
Pat Ferbyack, CFUW Etobicoke
Brikti Fesseha
Francesca Figueiredo
Lydia Figueiredo
Elinor Fillion, CFUW Etobicoke
Michelle fishman
Jane Fitzgerald, Lawson Fiundation
Avery Fleming, CFUW Etobicoke
Lenora Fleming, CFUW Scarborough
Deb Forsyth-Petrov, CFUW Etobicoke
Janet Foster, Professor
Amy Franco-Dubinsky
Deb Frank-MacDonald, Conestoga College
John Freeman, Queen's University
Joanna Friend, George Brown College
Laurel Fynes, Peel District School Board
Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, freelance research
Liane Gallop, Algonquin College Early Learning Centre
Tiffany Gartner-Duff, Parent
Laura Gass
Monica Gemeinhardt, CFUW
Alvie Geronga
Audrey Giles, University of Ottawa
Dorota Gill, Georgebrown Cllege
JoAnn Gillan, Home Child Care Assoc of Ontario
Charles Gilmer, Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation
Elisabeth Gladstone, CFUW scarborough
Jeleen Go
Lisa Goheen, EEC/ECA
Pamela Goodspeed, Mother, teacher, student, professional
Brooke Gouweleeuw, George Brown College
Pat Gracey, Toronto Public Library
Sarah Gray, University of Toronto
Jeanne Lise Grimberg, WCDSB DECE
Christine Gude, CFUW Etobicoke
Michelle Gulston, Dunlace Children's Centre
Pamela Guy, CFUW RTO
Andrea Guzman
Cindy Haas, RECE / Data Analysis Coordinator Ontario Early Years
Marion Habermehl, OT
Rosemary Hales, CFUW
Shani Halfon, parent
Dianne Hall, Infant & Child Development
Carly Hamill, ECE Maven Lane
Rawia Hammad
Elisabeth Han, Boys and Girls Clubs of Hamilton
Andrea Hardy, YWCA K-W
Karen Harris, Toronto Public Health
Debra Harwood, Brock University
Karen Henderson
Robin Henderson
Cheryl Herder, Fleming College
Brenda Hicks, Ontario College of ECE
Sharon Ho
Mary Horgan, CFUW Etobicoke
Angela Howard
Courtney Howe, Public Health
Toni Hoyland, ECEBC
Thomas Hucteau
Lena Hunter, UCDSB
Gail Hunter
Anca Stefania Icsarescu
Selina Idlas, Queen's University
Sandra Intoccia, Woodgreen Community Services
Sharlene Irwin, University Child Care Centre
Sherifa Ishmael, RECE
Katie Jackman, Conestoga College
Shailja Jain, Early Childhood Leadership BA Student
Yvonne James, University of Ottawa
Mari Jang, University of Toronto
diane johns, uwc north york
Brenda Jones, Designated Early Childhood Educator
Pat Joyce, CFUW RD Ont Central
Amanda jukema
Irina Kalyazina, University of Toronto
Ella Karia, Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development, U of T
Iren Karki
Diane Kashin, Ryerson University
Jan Kasperski, Resilient Kids Canada
Drew Kean, Niagara College
Elizabeth Kelley, Queen's University
Saeed Khajehi
Shahida Khatoon
Miriam Khomsi
Hannah King, University of Toronto
Samantha King, Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University
Nancy King, Retired Teacher
Margaret King, Etobicoke - CFUW
John Kirby, Queen's University
Joyce Klamer, CFUW
sammy klYRVRJfxOdpaN, QwUGmAgNpprG
Vi Knebel
Agnieszka Kosny, Institute for Work & Health
Tanya Kozak, Elementary school Educator, TCDSB
Benjamin Kutsyuruba, Queen's University
Pansy Kwan
Mary Ladky, The Children's Book Bank
Lisa Lalonde, Algonquin College
Mary Lou Lamont, George Brown College
Rashin Lamouchi, George Brown College
Shelleen Lamoureux
candace langlois
Stephanie Lanthier, University of Toronto and Women's College Research Institute
Rhonda Latour
Kevin Lau
Karen Lawford, National Aboriginal Council of Midwives
Patricia Leach
Leslie LeClair, RECE
Jen Lee
Soobeen Lee
Carolyne Lee, University of Windsor
Wendy Lee, ETFO
Rachael Lefebvre
Adrienne Lefler, RECE
Nadejda Lekosky , Rece
Henrietta Lempert, University of Toronto
Elaine Levy, WoodGreen Community Services
Jasmine Lim
Morgan Liolli
Corona Liscio, CFUW
Kristina Llewellyn, Renison University College, University of Waterloo
Gilberte Lloyd, RECE
Michelle Lo, GBC BA ECL
Ilana Lockwood, University of Toronto
Angela Loconte, CFUW-Etobicoke
Colleen Loomis, Department of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University
Laura Lord, KHCAS
Sharon Lu, WoodGreen Community Services
Shenice Lui
Geraldine Lyn-Piluso, Seneca College
Erin Maaskant
Zabe MacEachren, Queens University
Shawna Macivor, CFUW
Diane MacLean, Regent Park Neighbourhood
Mary MacMillan, CFUW Etobicoke
Cathy MacOdrum, Scarborough
Shelly Madden, MA Early Childhood Studies
Stefania Maggi, Carleton University
Nicole Maguire, George Brown College
Hayley Mah
Medhat Mahdy, President & CEO YMCA of Greater Toronto
Mary Mahoney
Robin Maitland, Retired Teacher
Dominique Malo
Lexlie Manguba, Heritage Child Care
Amanda Marcinko
Kathryn Markham-Petro, St. Clair College
Holly Marsh, RECE, VP Advocacy CUPE 2484
John Martin, KW Habilitation
Gerry Masuda, Interested citizen
Julie Mathien
Amanda Mayer, Lawson Foundation
kathleen McBride
kathleen McBride
Kerry McCuaig, University of Toronto
Sheila McDermid, Early Childhood Educator
Ann McElhinney, CFUW
Annie McEwen, Carleton University
Margaret McGovern, Chair, Toronto Caucus,Canadian Federation ofUniversity Women
Teresa McKeeman, Community Volunteer
Chelsea Mclean, Early childhood educator
Tanya McLeod
David McWhirter, Cranberryink
David McWhirter
Ashley Medema
Judy Mende, S.MCC
Nicola Mendoca
Stefan Merchant, Queen's University
Tam Mifsud
Dina Mikhailov
Daniella Milan, Early Childhood Educator
Suzana Miletic, Professional - RECE
Suzana Miletic, Early Years
Rachel Miller
Lauren Miller, PARENT
Negin Misaghi
Deirdre Mitchell, OCT
Colette Moffat, Strong Start Charitable Organization
Haniya Mohamed, BA Early Childhood leadership
Camellia Mohebat, Registered Nurse, CAMH
Eskandar Mohebat, Grandfather
Galina Mohebat, Toronto Dentist
Shanine Mohebat, Midwife
Gail Molenaar, SCDSB
Gail Molenaar, SCDSB
Catherine Molyneux, CFUW
Joyce Monro, CFUW Etobicoke
Rocio Monroy, George Brown College
Marc Monsour, The Ottawa hospital
Shannon Monster, CHIM
Lindsay Morcom, Queen's University
Alana Morgan, Student
Janice Morgan, RECE
David Morley, President/CEO - UNICEF Canada
Anna Moser, Parent
Stacey Mudie, Atkinson Centre
Stacey Mudie
Ellie Murphy
Colette Murphy, Atkinson Foundation
Natalie Murree, George Brown College
Wanzirai Muruvi, Service System Planning
Meryem Nacer
Zaheeda Nasser, Region of Peel, Public Health, RN
Jan Naylor, Grandparent
Geoffrey Nelson, Dept. of Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University
Anna Nguyen-Sgro, Halton Region
Vivien Nikfardjam, Emis Akbari
Mee Fung NS, RECE
Claudio Nunez
Gabriel Nunez
Angela Nyhout, University of Toronto
Vanessa Ogungbemile, OCDSB
Fiona Olivier, Student of Bachelor of Child Development, Seneca College
Diane O'Neill, Advocate
Daniela O'Neill, University of Waterloo
Suzanne O'Neill-Dube
Jessica Ortins, University of Toronto
Susie Osler, Lawson Foundation
Halina Ostrovski, CFUW
Daris Ouellet, Csn
Laura Oyama, Humber College
Delia Panameno, GBGRECE
Alena Papayanis, Humber College
Sue Parker, Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO)
Marlene Pase
Marlene Pase
Caitlyn Passera, RECE/ Master of teaching candidate OISE of UofT.
Sejal Patel, Early Childhood Studies, Ryerson University
Anna Patola, Humber College
Monica Patten, Director, Lawson Foundation
Caila Paul, Educator
nadia pelensky
Rosana Pellizzari, Public Health
Marcia Peters , Walpole Island First Nation
Carol Peterson, CFUW Etobicoke
Nick Petten, Ryerson University
Sue Pfeffer, Education
Beverley Philips, CFUW
Amy Phung, WoodGreen Community Services
Judy Piech, Early Childhood Educator
Elizabeth Pilz
Barb Pimento, WAVE Health Promotion, George Brown College,
Peggy Pinkerton, CFUW Etobicoke
Jessica Plante, DTSSAB
Daniel Poliszczuk, University of Toronto
Jaimie Poon, University of Toronto
Kathilee Porter, Blend Media / Early Literacy Alliance Waterloo Region
Deborah Powell, Educator
Marlene Power, Child and Nature Alliance of Canada
Esmeralda Prifti, EP
Heather Prime, University of Toronto
Jennifer Pritchard, Fanshawe College
Lori Prospero, CAE, Executive Director, Owl Child Care Services of Ontario
Valerie Quann
Barbara Quinn, U.W.C.N.Y.
Carolyn Quinton, CFUW
Nancy Rabbat, RWTO, CFUW
Sinéad Rafferty, RECE, MES, U of T Early Learning Centre
Kristal Ramcharitar, Master of Early Childhood Studies Candidate, Ryerson U.
Geeta Ramnarace
Shazia Rana Vlahos, Government Relations
Stacy Randell, Boys and Girls Clubs of Hamilton
Maryam Rashid
Nicole Rasmussen, Region Of Niagara
Gayle Reece, RECE, Boys and Girls Clubs of Hamilton
Brenda Reed, Queen's University
Nadine Reeves, Childreach
Lorna Reid, University of Guelph
Sasha Reid, University of Toronto
Crystal Reinbrecht, NNDSB
Brooke Richardson, Ryerson University
Aude rigault
Carol Ritchie, Retired TDSB
Sana Rizvi
Samar Rizvi, University of Toronto Student
Zahra Rizvi, University of Toronto Student
maria roberts, Centennial College ECE
Kate Robson, Canadian Family Advisory Network
Michelle Rodrigues, University of Toronto
Alejandra Rodriguez
Patricia Rodway, DECE
Emily Rogers, ECE Student
Genevieve Romanek
linda rose, CFUW
Eileen Rose
Barbara Routliffe, Early childhood educator
Gladys Rowe, The winnipeg boldness project
Poonam Ruparelia, Parent
Ann Rutherford, CFUW Scarborough
Lea Rutherford, CFUW Vaughan
Zac Ryan, University of Toronto
Tracy Saarikoski, BA, RECE, AECEO.C, Teddy Bear Day Care
Jaleh Safaee
Aidin Sahaie
Aida Sahaie
Monica Samayoa
monica Samayoa, monmon23@hotmail.com
Sherri Sanders, MLHU
Lorri Sauve, Better Beginnings Better Futures
cynthia savo
Kim Schaefers, Bluewater board- teacher
Laura Schein, Ryerson School of Early Childhood Studies
Gwyneth Schermel, Early Years
Aislinn Schwartz , George Brown College Early Childhood Education Student
Richmond Sedcole, Parent
Jessica Seko, University of Toronto
Sonia Sengsavang , Wilfrid Laurier University
Kasi Sewraj, University of Toronto
Nikan Shah
Dasha Shalimo, Sheridan College
Soaleha Shams, University of Toronto Mississaug
Shideh Shayani, Adult Education & Training
Karen Shelstad, Lawson Foundation
Linda Sheppard, Can. Fed. of University Women
Carolyn Shoreman, Public Health
Heidi Sichantha
Michelle Simmons, Arts Education Administrator University Settlement Centre
Lisa Simon, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
Virginia Simone, Inst. of Child Study Uof T
Shelley Simons, ETFO
Scott Sinclair, Ryerson University
Tanveer Singh, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Anita Singh-Shetty
Deborah Sinyard, Grandparent
Lindsay Siple, Best Start Resource Centre
Elena Siriopoulos, DECE, OCT
Aleksandra Skoric, OEYC
cher sloan
Cindy D. Smith, Seneca College
Jeanne Smitiuch, Dollywood Foundation of Canada
Marlena Sokolowska , Registered Early Childhood Educator
Alexi Solway, George Brown College
Hans-Ashton Soots, GBC
Andrea Spooner, ROCK: Reach Out Centre for Kids
Donna Spreitzer, Jackman Community Daycare
Patricia Stackhouse, CFUW Scarborough
Tara Stadius, Toronto Public Library
Kelly Stalder, ETFO (retired)
Judy Stanley, Public health nurse
Troy St-Denis
Marg Stevens, cfuw
Mrs. Jme Stewart, Parent
Linda Stewart, Association of Local Public Health Agencies
Larry Stinson, Public Health
Kelly Stone, Ex Dir, FRP Canada
Rosamund Stooke, Western
Jennifer Story, TDSB
Genna Stubbings, WoodGreen Childcare (parent)
Liz Sugg
Richard Suggitt, Parent of 10 yr. old twins
Shireen Suleman
Darlene Sullivan, RECE Sunny Faces
Elaine Sutherns, CFUW
Shannon Sveda, Sheridan College
Philippa Swart, Early Childhood Educator
Paula Sweeney Fletcher, ECE
Alison Sweet, unaffiliated
Alison Symington, Bruce School Parent Council
Lisa Tabachnick
Courtney Tafford, George Brown College
Christa Taggart, Early Childhood Educator
Jacqueline Tan, YRDSB
Sojie Tate, VAW
lisa Taylor
Cheryl Tedford, HBHC
Andrea Teodorescu, Delta Chi - Windsor early childhood centre
Sheryl Third, Professor, Fanshawe College
Debra Thompson, CFUW Guelph
Catherine Thompson-Walsh, University of Toronto
M Thomson, UWCNY
Emilia Tolak, George Brown College
Fidelia Torres, GBC
Jane Tousignant, Municipal Quality
Tina Tran
Jessica Trinh, George Brown College
Diana Tucci, Tinder Forest Nature School
Rena Upitis, Queen's University
Kyla Vaillancourt, King's College London
Irene Valentiner
Mary-Louise Vanderlee, Grad & UG Studies, Faculty of Education, Brock University
Tricia van Rhijn, University of Guelph
Debbie Van Zwyler, GBC
Jerarmyn Vedal, Early Years
Yeneir Vera Fernandez, Fraser Mustard Insitute for Human Development
Tarren Verhoeven
Mark Wade, University of Toronto
Kimberly Wallace, Boys & Girls Clubs of Hamilton
Bradley WallCbYgdFf, cPgcvlJMPfOvMhQqzC
Rose Walton, Learning Coordinator for Early Learning
layla wang
Cathy Wang
Tracey Webster, RECE
Jamie Weisz-Hardy, Parent
Dorothy Wells, CFUW
Cheryl White
Kathryn Wilkinson, CFUW
Barb Willet, Health Nexus/ Best Start Resource Centre
Lindsay Williams, Change48 Educational Services
Maureen Willis, CFUW -Etobicoke
Heather Wilson
Lynn Wilson
Frances Wilson, WCDSB
Connie Winder, George Brown College
Elaine Winick, George Brown College. School of Early Childhood Education
Patricia Witol, CFUW Etobicoke
Damian Wong, Parent
Katherine Wong, College of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario
Tennelle Wong, Parent
Evan Wood, Lawson Foundation
Jonathan Wood, Lawson Foundation
Kim Woods, Fanshawe College London Ontario
Kathy Wosnick, CFUW
Raudhah Yahya, Beacon Learning Centre
Helen Yu
Najmussahar Zafar, WoodGreen Community Services,RECE/HBSc. UofT Alumni
Joanna Zambrzycka, Student- University of Toronto
Ana Victoria Zapata Mosqueda, George Brown College
Michelle Zhong
liz zukorsky, Uwcny
Maya Zychowska

Prince Edward Island

Olga Alisic, CHANCES Family Centre
Jane Arbing, CHANCES Family Centre
Gabriela Arias de Sanchez, Faculty of Education, UPEI
Joni Campbell, CHANCES Family Center
Mary Catherine Connolly, CHANCES Family Centre
Joyce Cullen Foster, Chances Family Centre
Marianne David, Family Resource Centre
Bonnie Fitzpatrick, Chances Family Centre
Anne Furlong, Professor, UPEI
Linda Gowing-Burke, Chances
Cindy Griffin, Chances Best Start
Nicolle Hogan, Childcare
Alicia Macdonald, Chances
Krista MacEwen, Chances
Stacey MacKinnon, Associate Professor, Psychology, UPEI
Dawn MacLeod, ECE
Anne Mccarthy, Chances
Monique McClean, Early Years Coordinator
Jeni Mutch, Chances Family Centre
Sharon myers, university of Prince Edward Island
Vanessa Poirier, CHANCES Family Center
Ann Robertson, Executive Director - CHANCES
Patsy Wakelin, Chances
Roberta Ward David, CHANCES Family Center
Valerie Young, Chances Family Center


Jimmy Abbruzzese
christelle aikius
Ginette Alarie, Centre de la Petite Enfance
Simon Alderdice
Isabelle Allard, éducatrice spécialisée
sylvie allardin
Chantal Anctil
Caroline Arel, CPE le jardin des Frimousses
Julie Arguin, Cpe les gnomes
Guy Arseneault, CPE Alexis le Trotteur
Nancy Ashton, CPE Abracadabra
Mina Askour, Parent
Melanie Audet, Cpe
Josee Audette, CPD
Rebecca Audy
Annie Baillargeon, Maman, présidente du CA d'un CPE
Carole Barbeau, Cpe La Ruche
Marie-Pierre Baron, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Karine Barrette
anik bazinet
Rachel Beaudette, enseignante
Claudia Beaudin, CPE L'Attrait mignon
Karine Beaudoin, CPE Bonnaventure
Genevieve Beaudoin
Marie Beaupré, enseignante retraitée
Ginette Beauséjour, OMEP-Canada
Karine Bédard
Stéphanie Bédard
Irene Begin, éducatrice
Brigitte Bégin, CPE Ma Licorne
Jonathan Belair
melissa belanger, jane
Joanie Bélanger,
Martine Bélanger
Mathieu Belisle, enseignant en éducation à l'enfance
Marie-Julie Béliveau, UQÀM
Edith Bellavance, CPE
Paule Belleau
Kathryne Bellerive, cpe la boite a soleil
Robert Bellerose, Enseignant
Genevieve Benjamin, cpe la boite à soleil
Batoul Benjelloune
Cindy Benoit
Anne-Marie-Eve Benoit, cpe st-philippe
zakaria berdjane
Lyne Bergeron, CPE Joie de Vivre
Melanie Bergeron
Lisandre Bergeron-Morin, Université Laval
Nancy Bernier, CPE Au pied de l'Échelle
Christiane Bernier, adjointe CPE l'Arc-en-Joie
Carole Berniquez, CPE
Denise berthiaume, cégep de Sherbrooke
Mélissa Berthiaume
Julie Berthiaume, Rsg
Mélanie Bertrand, Directrice CPE Aux Mille Jeux
Myriam Bertrand, CPE La Mère Schtroumph
Annie Bérubé, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Sélène Bérubé, Éducatrice
valérie binette provost
Veronica Birca
Madeleine Bird, École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal
Chantal Bisaillon, CPE
Mélanie Bisson, bc
Félix Blackburn
Sylvie Blais, Psychoéducatrice
Geneviève Blanchard
Josée Anne blouin
Noémie Boisclair, CPE La Boîte à Bisous
Didier Boucard
Caroline Bouchard, Université Laval
Camil Bouchard, Consultant
Julie Bouchard, Collège de Maisonneuve et Université de Montréal
Mireille Boucher, CPE Joie de vivre
Martin Boucher
Guylaine Boucher, Commission scolaire
Monique Boucher
Annie Boudreau
Marie-Hélène Bourdages
Marie-France Bourdages, CPE Julie-Soleil
Anne-laure bourdaleix-manin
Simona Brambati, Dep. de Psychologie, Université de Montréal
Manou Brazeau, CPE la boite a Bizoux
Marianne Bride
Pascale Brodeur, université Laval
Lynda Brodeur
Bryanna Brooks
Marie-Claire Brossard, Centre de la petite enfance au québec
Lyne Brouard
Sylvie Brousseau
Jessie Brunelle, CPE
Liesette Brunson, Département de psychologie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Joanne Bujold, CPE Les Champignoles
Paule Cantin
France Cantin, CPE
Danielle Carbonneau, AEETÉE
Silvanna Cardoso
Marie-Hélène Carrier, cpe
France Cartier, CPE les trottinettes
Sonia Castilloux, éducatrice
Jerome Cattarin
Claude Chagnon, fondation lucie et andré chagnon
Claudette Chagnon, grand-maman
Cimon Chapdelaine
annie charbonneau
Claudine Charbonneau
Nathalie Charbonneau, cpe La Boîte à soleil
Edith Charest, Csn
Tremblay Charles, éducateur à l'enfance
Jessica Charron, cpe aux mille jeux
Rosemary Chen
Jean-Marc Chouinard, Fondation
Vaillancourt Claire
Suzanne Clermont, Directrice CPE Soulanges
Martin Cliche
Celine Cloutier, CPE
Pascale Cochin
Louise Condrain, CPE
Carole Contant
Eduardo Correa
camille côté
Isabelle Côté, CPE Soulanges\Bureau coordonnateur
Manon Coulombe, rcpem
Isabelle Coulombe
Bonny Coulombe
Sylvie Courchesne, CPE Julie-Soleil
Sylvain Coutu, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Francine Couture
Martine Couturier, CPE Kateri
Annunziata Nancy Cugliandro
Francine Cyr, Université de Montréal
Isabelle Daigneault, Université de Montréal
Caroline Daniel
Pierre Alexandre Daunais, Agence des services frontaliers
Genevieve Decarie, CPE
Elisabeth De Freitas Meira
Sandra Della Porta, Concordia University
Anick Delorme, CPE
Julie Demers, CPE La Petite Semence
Anne-Sophie Denault, Laval University
Julie Denoncourt, Docteure en psychologie et professeur de Cégep
Myriam Déry, Regroupement des CPE de l'île de Montréal
Sophie Desautels, BC
Julie Deschambault
Sarah Deschênes, Collège de Maisonneuve
Martine Désilets, CPE La Sourithèque
Laura Désilets
Marylène Desjardins, Cégep
Valérie Deslauriers, CPE Milles jeux
Julie Desmarais, CPE Aux Mille Jeux
Diane Desormeaux, CPE L'Arc-en-Joie
Isabelle Désormiers
Erick Desranleua, cpe université de Montréal
Audrey Desrosiers
Audrey destrempes
Annick Detolle
Annie Devault, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Jacinthe Dion, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Jan-Sébastien Dion, Université de Sherbrooke
Renée-Eve Dionne, santé et servives sociaux
Josette Dionne, C.P.E. Kateri
Deserai Disher, ECE student
daniel donne
Michelle Doucet, Éducatrice
Émilie drapier
Mylene Drouin, REFIPS
Francois Dubé
Roxanne Dubée, CPE
Claudine Dubois, RCPEM
Chantal Dubuc, CSN
Marie Duchesneau
Emanuelle Dufour
Marie-Élène Dugal, CPE LEs petits adultes
Annie Dulong
Lise Dumont, Enseignante
Stephanie Dupont
Stéphanie Dupont, CPE Saint-Philippe
Martine Dupont, CPE
Caroline Dupont-Leduc
Jean Duval
paireli elena
Amal El Mrabet
Joell Eryasa, Université du Québec à Montréal, étudiante graduée
Karine Ethier, Université de Montréal
Debbie Fennety
ALICIA FERNANDEZ, éducatrice de jeunes enfants
Sara Fleury
Brigitte Fontaine
Hélène Fontaine
Natacha Fontaine, Université Laval
Marie-Chantal Forcier, Centre de la petite enfance
Sylvie Forest, CPE Alakazoum
Johanne Forget, Cpe La Campinoise
Nadine Forget-Dubois, Université Laval
Olivier Fortier, Table de concertation 0-5 - Cavendish
Marie-Christine Fortin, Centre de recherche JEFAR, Université Laval
Caroline Fortin, UQAM
Annie-Claude Fournier, UQÀM
Laura Fowler Massie
Myriam Francoeur , CPE la maisonnette
Isabelle Frigon, CPE
chantal Gadbois
Andreanne Gagne, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Patricia Gagné, CPE
Claudia Gagné-Ouellet, LL.B.
Vanessa Gagnon Desjardins
Karine Galbrand, infirmiere
Jacinthe Gariepy, Bc joie de vivre
Lisette Gariépy, enseignante
Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Université Laval
Elodie Gaucher, CPE Les Lutins Coop.
Michèle Gauthier, CPE
Mélanie Gauthier, Centre de la petite enfance Franquette la grenouille
Christyne Gauvin, Regroupement des CPE de la Montérégie
Marie-France Gélinas, Enseignante et parent
Sarah Gendron, éducatrice CPE
Marie C Geoffroy
Mick Geoffroy-Griffin, Cpe Magimo
Jean-Pierre Germain
Catherine Gibeau, Cpe joie de vivre
Sabrina Gingras
Natacha Godbout, Uqam
Roberto A. Godoy
Karenina Gonzalez Castillo, CPE Pierrot la lune
Louise Gosselin, cpe
Sonia Gosselin, éducatrice
Rachel Goudreault, cpe St-Philippe
Denise Goulet, CPE Harmonie
Joanne Goulet, bc Enfant Soleil
Sonia Granel
Alain Gratton, Dept Psychiatry, McGill U
Suzanne Gravel, Cégep de Jonquière
Nora Guélila
Suzanne Guévin, psychoéducatrice au mandat préscolaire CSMV
Marie Hélène Guilbault pinel, Uqtr
Sarrah Guilbert, éducatrice et maman
Lorraine Guillet, libraire jeunesse
Marie Guinard, CPE Youpi
Julie Guindon
Guillaume Halde
Isabelle Hamelin, Éducatrice cpe Julie Soleil
Charmaine Harrison
Paul Hayotte, UQÀM
Alain Hébert, OTSTCFQ
Catherine Herrera
Melanie Hetu
Geneviève Houde, CPE Julie-Soleil
Andrée-Anne Houle, université de Sherbrooke
Kim Joannette, CPE
Pascal Joly, CPE Aux Mille Jeux
Mireille Joussemet, University of Montreal
Catherine Julien, CIRRIS
m kelly
Xavier Kervel, Analyste informatique
Tanya Kinaszczuk, mother of one toddler
yvan kohli
martine labelle, cpe bilbo
Claudette labelle, grand mère
Mélanie Laberge, CPE Julie-Soleil
Stefanie Labrecque
Jocelyne Labrie, Centre de la Petite Enfance La Petite Patrie Montréal
Julie Lachance, CPE Domisol
Catherine Lacroix
Myriam Lafleur
France Lafllamme, cpe
Ginette Lafontaine, RÉFIPS-section des Amériques
Alexandre Lahaie
Linda Lalumière, Professeure TÉE Cégep de l'Outaouais
Maude Lalumière-Cloutier, UQAM
Aurélie Laly
Marie-Claude Landry, Cpe Joie de vivre
Jean-Michel Langevin, CSSMI
Marie-Claude Langlais, CPE Halte-Répit Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
Teresa Lapadula, CPE l'éléphant bleu
Annie Lapierre, Maître en travail social
Céline lapointe, Services de garde
Linda Lapointe, CPE Gari-Gatou
Karine Lapointe, RCPEM
Linda Lapointe
Geneviève Laporte
Anne Laporte, CPE
Isabelle Larin, cpe
Julie Larocque, éducatrice
Diane Larocque, CPE Les Petits Lutins de Côte St-Paul
Manon Larocque, Directrice administrative
Simon Larose, Laval University
Jean-Sébastien Larose, CPE chez Fanfan
Suzanne Latreille
Julie Laurion, cpe joyeux calinours
Kathleen Lauture, CPE Petit Pain d'épice
Renée-Claude Lauzier, Conseillère Pédagogique
Danielle Lavallée, Apts
Nathalie Lavallée, CPE Nez-à-Nez
Catherine Lavarenne
Isabelle Lavigne, Directrice Pédagogique CPE APDE, Brossard
Catherine Lavoie
Audrey Lavoie, cpe St philippe
Nicole Lebeau
Huguette Lebel
Lyne Lebel, Cegep Marie-Victorin
Fany Leblanc, CPE Patachou
André Leblanc, HIPPY QUÉBEC
Michèle Leboeuf, Initiative 1, 2, 3, Go! Limoilou
Emilie Leborne, Doctorante en Psychologie
Marie-Agnès Lebreton, Avenir d'enfants
Krystel Lefebvre, CPE Chez Fanfan
Kathleen Légaré, BC Joie de vivre
France Legault, CPE
Sylvaine Léger, Professeur CEM
Joanne Lehrer, UQAM
Kristell Le Martret, CEECD
maryse lemay
Lise Lemay, UQAM
Nadia Lemere, cpe les ateliers
Maud-Andrée Lemieux
Céline Lemieux
Linda Lemyre, CPE Château des Neiges. PPF
aline lenquette
Catherine Lepage, Étudiante UQAM
Brigitte Lépine, Regroupement des CPE de la Montérégie
Maryanne Leroux, CPE La Claire Fontaine de Pincourt
Valerie Lessard, Université L'aval
Cecile Levesque
Virginie Levesque
Madeleine Levy, cpe ses amis
Audrey Licop, citoyenne
Meunier Liliane, CPE Alakazoum Inc.
Oksana Lisman
Martine Lockhead, CPE
Anna Lomanowska, École de psychologie, Université Laval
Gisèle Longpré, Centre de la petite enfance Le Château des Adorables
Lili Lopez
Lucy Lorca, CPE des Roseraies
René Luboya
Claudia Lupien, CSQ
Jocelyne Lussier, rsg
Heloise Mackay
Geneviève Mageau, Université de Montréal
Céline Magontier, UQAM
Marie-Eve Mailloux, Orthophoniste
Valérie Mandeville
Julie Marcotte-Landreville, psychoéducatrice 0-5 ans CLSC
Olivia Marleau
Geneviève Martel, Comptable agree
Lucie Martin, BC CPE La Mère Schtroumph
Nadine Marzougui, Université de Montréal
Steve Masson, Département de didactique, Université du Québec à Montréal
Marina Matic
Célia Matte-Gagné, Université Laval
cecile maury
Louise Mc Craw, CPE Pointe Saint-Charles
nadia mekouar
Melquiades Melgarejo
Lucie Melillo, CPE Joie de Vivre
Sylvie Melsbach, RCPEM
Gilles Ménard
Josianne Méroz, C.P.E
Lise Meunier, retraité
marie-claude Millette, CPE
Nadia Mlih
Jacques Moreau, ESS Univ de Montréal
wann morin
Caroline Morin, Cpe
Lucie Morin, Educatrice en CPE
Sabrina Morin
Geneviève Morneau-Vaillancourt, Université Laval
Nancy Murray, enseignante, Cégep de l'Outaouais
Natacha Nantel
Joannie Nantel , Garderie mille jeux
Tu Hanh Nguyen, Université de Montréal
Marie-France Noël
Julie Noël
Sonia Nolet
Sebastien Normand, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
Melanie Olmstead
Maria Gabriela Orzanco, Citoyenne
viviane oualou
Isabelle Ouellet
Geneviève Pagé, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Natalie-Anne Papineau
Mélodie Paquette, UQAM
Mayte Parada, McGill University
Ariane Paradis
Maryse Parent, CPE Bilbo
Julie Parent
Isabelle Patenaude, citoyenne
Jasmine Payette, CSDM
Maude P. Charlebois, Enseignante TÉE
Marc Pelletier , Cpe Alakazoum
Jocelyne Pepin, CPE Aux Mille Jeux
Genevieve Pilon
Julie Ann Pilon, CPE le Château des Adorables
Elizabeth Pilz, RECE
Julie Pinel, Adim
Aurélie Pitou
Aurélie Pitou, Directrice adj. en installation, CPE UdeM
Claudette Pitre-Robin, Regroupement des CPE de la Montérégie
Mathieu Point , Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Patricia Pomerleau-Rodrigue, cpe alakazoum
Patrick Potrzebowski, Cpe
Michele Poulin, educatrice
Isabelle Poulin, Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development
Sherry Poulin, grand-parent
Louise Poulin, CPE La Bôite a Bizous
Gaëtane Pouliot, RCPEM
Josette Poupart, cpe kateri
Annie Prévost, Enseignante en éducation à l'enfance et directrice en CPE
Genevieve Primeau, CPE La boite à bisous
Emmanuelle Prince, Techniques d'éducation à l'enfance Cégep de Granby
Aline Prince, Centre jeunesse Montérégie
Julie provost
Amélie Racette
Karina Ramirez
Helli Raptis, CRIUGM
Catherine Ratelle, Université Laval
Nathalie Re , CPE Du Carrefour
Amélie Régimbal, CPE La Boite à soleil Chambly
Magalie Remillard, CPE Saint-Philippe
Magalie Rémillard, CPE Saint-Philippe
André Rémillard, CPE du Carrefour
Emmanuela Rémy, Cégep de l'outaouais
Angélica Ribeiro, cpe joie de vivre
Céline Ricard, CPE La Marmicelle
Normand Richardson
Karine Ridorossi, CPE
Geneviève Riou, Acfas
Joffrey Rivard, Cpe
Sylvie Rivard
Eve-Lyne Rondeau
Geneviève Rose, CPE L'attrai Mignon
Judith Ross, cpe julie-soleil
Marie-Claire Rouleau, Avenir d'enfants
Louise Rousseau, CPE Nez-à-Nez
Melanie Rousseau, Enseignante, cégep de l'Outaouais
Marie-Noelle Roussin, CPE Patachou
Chantal Roy, cpe la mère schtroumph
Marie-Hélène Roy Cardinal
Leen Saad
Marie-Claude Salvas, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Sophie Samson, Jackalop Co.
Melissa Sanchez
Nicole Sanschagrin, CPE Au petit talon
Nathalie Sapina, Rrgroupement des CPE de la Montérégie
Myriam Sauriol
Francine Sauve
Isabelle Sayed, Early childhood outreach worker
Marianne Schneider
Arlette Schneider
Alicia Schwartz, Lettres
Gisèle Séguin
Susan Séguin
Norma Smart
Sharon Smith, Université Laval
Nathalie Sorel, natsorel -7@hotmail.com
Marie Michele Soucisse, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Lucie St-Germain, C.P.E. des Marguerites
Sylvie St-Germain, CPE
Christine Stich, Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Shaun Sullivan, Consultant LBPSB
Kim Surpris
Bergeron Suzie
Diane Tanguay
Isabelle Tarragon
josee tessier
Catherine Tétreault, Réseau des services de garde subventionnés du Québec
Suzanne Theoret, C.P.E. La Marmicelle
Magali Theunissen
Anne Thibault, Cégep de l'Outaouais.
France Thibeault, DG, CPE Bilbo
Patrick Thibodeau
Nawel Tkouti
Claudia Torres
Edith Toupin, éducatrice
Julie Tourangeau
Pierre Toussaint, Citoyen
Chantale Tremblay, Éducatrice CPE
Mélissa Tremblay, UQÀM
Jacqueline Tremblay, enseignante
Caroline Tremblay, CPE
Maryse Tremblay
Nathalie Tremblay
Anne-Marie Trépanier, cpe la boîte à Soleil
Amélie Trépanier, Éducatrice
Stéphane Trudel, UQAM
Julie Turcotte
Sophie Turmel, Université Laval
Martine Vachon
Claire Vaillancourt, CPE La Grande Ourse
Sylvie Veilleux, BC Jonquiere
Jessica Villavicencio
Marie-Eve Villeneuve, réseau des écoles Vision
Viviane Villeneuve, BC Joie de vivre
Claire-Dominique Walker, McGill University
Claire Wallot, CSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île
Ruth Waridel, Csn
Marie-laure Watrelot
Katja Wedell
fanta yao, mere
sara youbi, table 0-5 ans Cavendish
Genie Young
Samir Zemirli, Assistant pharmacien
Nadia Ziat


Sue Delanoy, Elizabeth fry of sask
Beulah Fernando, CFUW
Roger Gauthier, Réseau Santé en français de la Saskatchewan
Liette Grégoire, CPE Cartierville
lee Hinton, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
Lorraine Lebel
Jed Prest , Ed Consultant
Hind Rami
Elaine Yeomans, CFUW Regina


Tania Akai, NA
Abdeljalil Akkari, Université de Genève
Robert Armstrong, Aga Khan University
Adi Wini Bainivanua
Marian Bakermans, Leiden University
Marjolein Branger, Child and Family Studies, Leiden University
Roxanna Camfferman, Child and Family Studies, Leiden University
Michael Cipparrone, Medical Doctor
Oceane Couture, cpe aux milles jeux
Riccardo Gontijo
Sahar Husseini
Mushel Kazmi
Cécile Lassus
Frédéric Lévy, INRA
Maria Liantziris, ESL teacher
Nicole Lucassen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maartje Luijk, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Pedagogical Sciences,
Ranli McGuire
Viara Mileva-Seitz, Child and Family Studies, Leiden University
Kofi Narfo, Aga Khan University
Leigh O'Brien, State University of New York
Daniela Palombo, Boston University School of Medicine
Hania Pavlou, University of Oxford
Ralph C.A. Rippe, Child and Family Studies, Leiden University
Claire Salvador
Alessandra Schneider, CONASS - Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde do Brasil
Bettina Schwethelm, Consultant
Fran Simon
schneider thierry
Sandra Thijssen, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Unaisi Tinai
Erfan Vafaie, Texas A&M
Marinus van IJzendoorn, Leiden University
Elize Verhoeff, Child- and Adolescent Psychiatry, Erasmus University

Total number of signatories: 1644

Early Childhood in Canada