Early Childhood in Canada
Early Childhood in Canada


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and elected officials have a responsibility to make it happen

In 1989, UNICEF made a promise to children around the world known as The Convention on the Rights of the Child, a human rights treaty that provides all children, under the age of 18, equal rights and equal opportunities. In our ever-changing world that continues to infringe on the rights and environments of children such as racism, poverty, mental health, climate change, and the pandemic, the Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development continues to strive to bring attention to the various threats and barriers children face and the opportunities they need for their optimal development.

The factors that affect the health and well-being of children is multi-faceted – and includes the health of the family unit, the neighbourhoods children live and play in, their educational opportunities, the inequities they face, the climate and their physical environments, and the policies and legislations enforced on them by elected officials.

Join us on our calls to action to both governments and practitioners to improve the lives of children in Canada and support their healthy development and success.

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